CHROME users: Beware that Chrome has a tendancy to block sound from Unsecure sites, like mine. I don't have https security as I am not
willing to pay for it from my hosting service. Too expensive! However, if you click on the 'Not Secure' section to the left of the URL line and
set the site settings to Sound > Allow, then reload the page. You will get sound.
Word of Thanks: I would like to thank Nick N4BUT and
Joshua KA6NEW for helping me to get my site going with two RTL-SDRs and a Raspberry Pi 4. I especially want to thank Nick
for sharing his source code with me so I could work with his interface and modify it for how I wanted to display my SDR.
Note: You need both Java and JavaScript enabled for this
page to work properly. If you don't hear anything, probably Java
is disabled or its version is too old (i.e., pre-1.4.2).
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Hardware (20m, 40m): RTL-SDR v3 Antenna: Buckmaster DX-OCF-HP Multiband Dipole Original interface design : UB0AZG & SV1RVL Author of the WebSDR software: PA3FWM Designer of this interface: N4BUT Modifications made by: N8MDP
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